For preparation, just ...
"Bomb" mix (3 egg yolks, 10g water, 35g sugar)
- Combine sugar and water, heat up to 110°C and pour over the yolks.
- Beat with an electric mixer at high speed until the mixture is cool.
- Refrigerate.
Italian meringue (3 egg whites, 80g sugar, 25g water)
- Combine sugar and water, heat to 120°C and pour overt the egg whites.
- Beat with an electric mixer at high speed until the mixture is cool.
- Refrigerate.
Whipped cream
- Whip up 300g cream.
Making up the soufflés (50g L'Original Combier)
- In a mixing bowl, gently mix the three preparations and L'Original Combier triple sec.
- Add a few pieces of candied orange if you wish.
- Pour into 8-10 ramekins and place in a freezer for six hours.
- Serve with a glass of L'Original Combier